"Devilman is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Go Nagai. The manga focuses on a high school student named Akira Fudo who absorbs the powers of the demon called "Amon" with help of his friend Ryo Asuka in order to battle creatures hidden in human society, thus calling himself the "Devilman" in the process. The series was originally ordered by Toei Animation as a toned-down anime version of Nagai's previous manga series, Demon Lord Dante. However, Nagai wrote a darker-toned manga in order to alert readers of the dangers of the wars based on how dark the narrative becomes with each of Akira's challenges."
...from Wikipedia.
In my own words...
Devilman is my number one special interest. I love Devilman. Devilman has been my special interest sense 2018 - present. I was introduced to Devilman Crybaby first before finding my true love for orginal and older versions of Devilman. Devilman holds a very special place in my heart... so I'll talk about it here. In here you can find reviews, deep dives, trivia, and media of many versions of Devilman that I have indulged myself. I hope this will convince others to explore Devilman and what it has to offer.